This blog is for refining my ideas and post the things which I know/read.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Shutting down this blog!
I dont wanna blog more in this :((. Bye Bye taata.( may be culater if my mind changes. :) )
nee premalahirki pushpaanjali
nee gaanamaadhuriki geethanjali
"yedha dochu navvulaku natananjali"
kavi ayina nee madhiki kavithanjali
the above are the lines which I like from the song anjali..anajli from the movie Duet!
nee gaanamaadhuriki geethanjali
"yedha dochu navvulaku natananjali"
kavi ayina nee madhiki kavithanjali
the above are the lines which I like from the song anjali..anajli from the movie Duet!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Revisiting nano robots!/ or Photonic crystals! or entirelt diff Motivation?
Now I have so much in mind that I wanna put everything here. my fever and head ache is so severe that I cant stand sit or sleep! So thoguht of slowly writing a big post defining nano robots ( it may seem todays fiction but tommorow's reality. ) and their uses. I am always bothered about biological (medical?) usage.
Nano Robots : First any particle which is very small is nanoparticle. Now if you ask small. then the answer will be a question like this : " How Small? " Heres the answer : When the particle size is comparable to the Bohr exciton radius ( some value unique to each material ) then you find classical mechanics obsolete. There comes Quantum Mechanics. all are Quantum effects. Now the particles are confined to a smaller region ( about the order of few Bhor exciton radiuses ) Then each particle with fewer atoms acts as as indivdual. Now they wont interact ordinarly. For example nano particle paints, there will not be any dust on it. Just it expuls everything. so no ned of cleaning the walls for festivals or repainting it just dust it with a cloth. Then the nano robots in my last post on nanorobots I said that it should have a computing power. Then chemical computer is the best. Beacuse what happens in our body is just nothing but a few not few exactly many chemical reactions or some some ion imbalance. For example when we want to move our hand our brain sends a signal through. So now the signal is just simply a change in the Na/K( Sodium/Pottasium ) concentration. Now in the same way when our nano robot interacts with the pathogen it should sense that its a pathogen and simply destroys some or the other thing( like protein or RNA. primitive organisms have RNA rather than DNA or both. ). There should be a mechanism ( suggested by my friend Sasikanth ) a control sytem like where all the nano robots communicate with each other so that they dont attack the same and also they should self destroy after certain amount of time without poisoning the body. This makes it very very complex to make it pathogen specific. But time gives the solution and I remember this statement : " world is so fast that there are days when the person who says it can't be done is interrupted by the person who is doing it.. " Three cheers to Material Science and Biophysics!
Phoonic Crystals : What if you have a TeraHertz powered PC? wow....Thrilling to even think. But soon its going to be a reality. Whats at the heart of such a PC? Its this the OPTICAL PROCESSOR! Normal electrical processor is limited by the speed of electrons. But light has the Ultimate speed. So the faster is the communication and more is the bandwidth. A simle optical processor is a lens. Just put some light(signal form) on a lens what we get on other side is its Fourier transform.( Anybody who knows fourier optics can realise it. )As simple as that. Where to calculate a fourier transform sometimes a very tedious calculation of integrals is required. Ineterestin and Exciting to hear. But very difficult to fabricate such a thing. We have all logic gates and everything but the problem is how to generate light & guide light( simultaneously ) in such small space. Solution is photonic crsytal. To define it first whats a crystal? Any periodic arrangement. Simply the samething. periodic arrangement of two dielectric materials with diff refractive indices. Now create a microcavity. They simply give a lasing action and generates light. Then by creating some defects in the photonic crystal it simply directs the light in the required diretion. A 2D photonic crystal is easy to build. But real problem maintainf such an accuracy in a 3D crystal. here I end beacuse this too techy & lot of stuff is not clear( Though I wanna expalin each and every term then It would be a big book. )
Motivation : Motivation is a very important chapter in Psychology. Its not only important in textbooks but also its very important factor in your life. After seeing this movie " Swarnakamalam " Venky and Banupriya starrer. In that what happens is BanuPriya hates Bharatanatyam but because of his father's pressure she has to learn it. Simply she hates to dance. Once a big dancer comes and offers her to take to USofA. Then this motivates her to dance. Then she dances and finds it as a passion. What happens is when work for something( motivated by some goal ) after you are involved into it the passion drives. I will make another post on motivation. Do come back soon.
Nano Robots : First any particle which is very small is nanoparticle. Now if you ask small. then the answer will be a question like this : " How Small? " Heres the answer : When the particle size is comparable to the Bohr exciton radius ( some value unique to each material ) then you find classical mechanics obsolete. There comes Quantum Mechanics. all are Quantum effects. Now the particles are confined to a smaller region ( about the order of few Bhor exciton radiuses ) Then each particle with fewer atoms acts as as indivdual. Now they wont interact ordinarly. For example nano particle paints, there will not be any dust on it. Just it expuls everything. so no ned of cleaning the walls for festivals or repainting it just dust it with a cloth. Then the nano robots in my last post on nanorobots I said that it should have a computing power. Then chemical computer is the best. Beacuse what happens in our body is just nothing but a few not few exactly many chemical reactions or some some ion imbalance. For example when we want to move our hand our brain sends a signal through. So now the signal is just simply a change in the Na/K( Sodium/Pottasium ) concentration. Now in the same way when our nano robot interacts with the pathogen it should sense that its a pathogen and simply destroys some or the other thing( like protein or RNA. primitive organisms have RNA rather than DNA or both. ). There should be a mechanism ( suggested by my friend Sasikanth ) a control sytem like where all the nano robots communicate with each other so that they dont attack the same and also they should self destroy after certain amount of time without poisoning the body. This makes it very very complex to make it pathogen specific. But time gives the solution and I remember this statement : " world is so fast that there are days when the person who says it can't be done is interrupted by the person who is doing it.. " Three cheers to Material Science and Biophysics!
Phoonic Crystals : What if you have a TeraHertz powered PC? wow....Thrilling to even think. But soon its going to be a reality. Whats at the heart of such a PC? Its this the OPTICAL PROCESSOR! Normal electrical processor is limited by the speed of electrons. But light has the Ultimate speed. So the faster is the communication and more is the bandwidth. A simle optical processor is a lens. Just put some light(signal form) on a lens what we get on other side is its Fourier transform.( Anybody who knows fourier optics can realise it. )As simple as that. Where to calculate a fourier transform sometimes a very tedious calculation of integrals is required. Ineterestin and Exciting to hear. But very difficult to fabricate such a thing. We have all logic gates and everything but the problem is how to generate light & guide light( simultaneously ) in such small space. Solution is photonic crsytal. To define it first whats a crystal? Any periodic arrangement. Simply the samething. periodic arrangement of two dielectric materials with diff refractive indices. Now create a microcavity. They simply give a lasing action and generates light. Then by creating some defects in the photonic crystal it simply directs the light in the required diretion. A 2D photonic crystal is easy to build. But real problem maintainf such an accuracy in a 3D crystal. here I end beacuse this too techy & lot of stuff is not clear( Though I wanna expalin each and every term then It would be a big book. )
Motivation : Motivation is a very important chapter in Psychology. Its not only important in textbooks but also its very important factor in your life. After seeing this movie " Swarnakamalam " Venky and Banupriya starrer. In that what happens is BanuPriya hates Bharatanatyam but because of his father's pressure she has to learn it. Simply she hates to dance. Once a big dancer comes and offers her to take to USofA. Then this motivates her to dance. Then she dances and finds it as a passion. What happens is when work for something( motivated by some goal ) after you are involved into it the passion drives. I will make another post on motivation. Do come back soon.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Another test of patience!
Today I uploaded 138 photos 138 thumbnails 138 html pages and some files on the occasion of Asif bday. Woh my gaurd it took more than 2 hours time continuously doing the same thing choosing the file upload. uffff.....
Hey Asif's Brithday....

Me Asif & Thulasi!
Today is our loving pra'asif' birthday. Many Many Happy Returns of The Day Dude!
For more
More Pictures
Fill in the blank!
adhi charithalu saitham chadhavani vainam. kavithalu siatham palakani bhaavam. saregamalerugani madhurima ______________ ante.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
This must be very familiar name to the peple who wants to loose weight. The famous Atkin's diet. What they plan is High protein diet. But I always doubt about it. Beacuse our body has this mechanism to convert proteins to carbohydrates & vice versa.
So may be I have to clarify this...
So may be I have to clarify this...
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Haa...this word is the one like I went to extremes of it.
The two classic examples I give you are like this :
1. MY suitcase is numberlocked. While travelling somehow the no changed. Its a four digit no. Then I tried all the 9999 nos and it took almost 2 hours. But still it din't so I have to break it up.
2. Once I wanted to delete all my scraps in my profile of orkut. Like there are more than thousand scraps. And not only that I wanted to delete the ones that I replied in others also. Then it roughly amounts to 2000 odd...Then I started and the whole night I was searching for scraps in others scrapbooks and deleting deleting and Finally I almost acheived the task. Except that I wanted to leave few scraps in my scrapbook which I liked.
The two classic examples I give you are like this :
1. MY suitcase is numberlocked. While travelling somehow the no changed. Its a four digit no. Then I tried all the 9999 nos and it took almost 2 hours. But still it din't so I have to break it up.
2. Once I wanted to delete all my scraps in my profile of orkut. Like there are more than thousand scraps. And not only that I wanted to delete the ones that I replied in others also. Then it roughly amounts to 2000 odd...Then I started and the whole night I was searching for scraps in others scrapbooks and deleting deleting and Finally I almost acheived the task. Except that I wanted to leave few scraps in my scrapbook which I liked.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Then where is the Flaw!
Many times I like to find the flaws in the problems. Like the one I will demonstrate to you which my friend Banta explained to me.
If the professor sasy that next week there is a Surprise quiz. Then Banta argues that there will not be any quiz next week!
His argument goes like this. If its a surprise quiz then it can't be on Friday because till thursday there is no quiz mean then Firday there will be a surprise quiz and its no more surprise. As we know damn sure there is a quiz. Then if Friday there is no quiz then on Thursday there can't be a surprise quiz because till wednesday there is no quiz then on Thursday it will not be a quiz.( As Friday there will not be a quiz. )
Then by similar argument there will not be a surprise quiz on Wednesday, Tuesday and Monday! Voila!( bad usage )Then next week there isnt any quiz.
Now where is the Flaw?
If the professor sasy that next week there is a Surprise quiz. Then Banta argues that there will not be any quiz next week!
His argument goes like this. If its a surprise quiz then it can't be on Friday because till thursday there is no quiz mean then Firday there will be a surprise quiz and its no more surprise. As we know damn sure there is a quiz. Then if Friday there is no quiz then on Thursday there can't be a surprise quiz because till wednesday there is no quiz then on Thursday it will not be a quiz.( As Friday there will not be a quiz. )
Then by similar argument there will not be a surprise quiz on Wednesday, Tuesday and Monday! Voila!( bad usage )Then next week there isnt any quiz.
Now where is the Flaw?
Dirac-Fisherman fishing problem!
The problem goes like this.
Three fihserman go fishing in the middle of a stormy noght. They catch some fish, then land on a desert island and go to sleep. Later one of them wakes up and he says to himself, " I'll take my one third of the fish and I'll go away. " So he divides them into three parts. He finds one extra fish. He throws the extra fish into the sea. Then he takes his share and leaves that place. Next fisherman does the samehting...divides into three parts, one extra fish is left. Throws that into the sea. ( Without knowing that the first fisherman departed. )
Finally the third one also wakes up. Then he too does the samething. Divides it into three parts and throws the extra fish into the sea.
Now the question is, " What is the minimum number of fish? "
WHy Dirac comes into picture? Because it was given quickie problem to him at St. John's college. Quick as a flash he gives the answer as minus two.
The reasoning for the minus two is : Minus one + minus one + minus one + plus one = minus two. Now divide into three the extra one is plus one. But you have to throw the plus one into the sea. again minus two.
Clearly you must add a definite positive no. to get a sensible no fish.( of course positive.)
Answer : 25 ( Solved by me! )
[ The above problem is taken from the book " Unification of fundamental forces " by Sir. Abdus Salam, Nobel prize winner along with Sir. Weinberg and Sir. Glashow for Unification of wek forces with Electromagnetism. Hmmmm....I'm on the track. ]
Three fihserman go fishing in the middle of a stormy noght. They catch some fish, then land on a desert island and go to sleep. Later one of them wakes up and he says to himself, " I'll take my one third of the fish and I'll go away. " So he divides them into three parts. He finds one extra fish. He throws the extra fish into the sea. Then he takes his share and leaves that place. Next fisherman does the samehting...divides into three parts, one extra fish is left. Throws that into the sea. ( Without knowing that the first fisherman departed. )
Finally the third one also wakes up. Then he too does the samething. Divides it into three parts and throws the extra fish into the sea.
Now the question is, " What is the minimum number of fish? "
WHy Dirac comes into picture? Because it was given quickie problem to him at St. John's college. Quick as a flash he gives the answer as minus two.
The reasoning for the minus two is : Minus one + minus one + minus one + plus one = minus two. Now divide into three the extra one is plus one. But you have to throw the plus one into the sea. again minus two.
Clearly you must add a definite positive no. to get a sensible no fish.( of course positive.)
Answer : 25 ( Solved by me! )
[ The above problem is taken from the book " Unification of fundamental forces " by Sir. Abdus Salam, Nobel prize winner along with Sir. Weinberg and Sir. Glashow for Unification of wek forces with Electromagnetism. Hmmmm....I'm on the track. ]
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Too hilarious...on
Just I was browsing through Orkut and found a blog of lady Manju from BITS-Pilani. The posts were very long. Somehow I coul manage to read this post. Trip from Delhi to Pilani May be the reason might once me saran shivaji asif had the same but not this kind of experience.
Man the above post I mentioned i too hilarious. Its big but do have a look at it.
Go Manju go...thats all I can say to her...
Man the above post I mentioned i too hilarious. Its big but do have a look at it.
Go Manju go...thats all I can say to her...
Friday, August 12, 2005
My Dad & Me
One day may be two days...ok one, two days back three persons were walking.
I was just passing by and saw them. Mother Father and his Son. Father is putting his hand on his Son and walking.
So, I remembered my Daddy. Because whenever we used to have a walk I used to put hand on him and used to walk like that. Let me tell you one thing. Except his height I am an exact clone of him. When we walk there goes hell lot of discussions.
Let me give some examples.( some conversations might be in telugu )
Daddy asks, " Nanna...nuvvu chese project entra? "
Myself " Daddy...naadhi nano particles midha. "
There comes the first question.
Daddy " nanparticles ante entra pedha? "
Myself " daddy nano particles ante ippudu sudha mukka ni rendu baagalu cheyyi entha 2.5 cms kadha. malli rendu mukkalu cheyyi...1.25 malli ila chesukuntooo pothuu unte... oka stage lo aa particle size konni nanometre's size vachevaraku ante... millimetre lo 10 lakshalo vanthu anamata...dani valla bollanni advantages untai daddy. like many things... "
No there comes another question from daddy , " avunura pedha Dr. Vijay Prakash garu enti research papers publication antunnaru. ante enti? "
My self , " Ante adhe daddy monna naa paper publish ayyindhi news paper lo annavu chudu adhi. Actually entante ante to say to the world that Yes I did it first than anyone revealing some mystery of nature or something... "
Now its my turn , " Daddy Habeas Corpus writ ante adhi fundamental rights lo Right to Constitutional remedies kindhaki vasthundhi kadha "
daddy says , " Yes correct. ante evaranna e writ kindha case files chesthe the person or the victim should be presented to the court within 24 hours. inka ilani writ of mandamus, certiorari, quo warranto.. "
And he says.. " Do you know what is perestroika glasnost? "
I say , " That one termed by Gorbachev. appudu cheppav kadha. "
daddy says, " Yeah...Russia lo emayyedhi ante...lopala antha poverty. bayataki maathram emi thelavanichevaru kadhu. so appudu Gorbachev vachi yes we will open it ani...Perestroika meaning Openness... "
Whenever he wants to say greatness of India, " Orei pedha ippudante mana vallu inni scientific equipments vachayi kaanni....appatlo mana munulu veellu antha eppudo BC nati kaalam lo panchangam lo rasesaru kadha... "
It goes on like that for hours..some times these kind of discussions go on while my dad is driving the scooter. He is too fast. Sometimes there times it reaches to a speed of 80 on scooter...ooof...but still confident.
Whenever we go to books shop or exhibition we take gud amount of money. When we see some book cover page. Daddy...that is the nuclear reactor design. He says pointing to interpretation of dreams " he is sigmund freud. "
Whenever he goes out he asks , " what shall I bring for you? "
Some times my answer is , " Daddy.. Medical dictionary pattukunira daddy " or " Dad get me Psychology by Morgan et al " or " Mahaprasthanam " or " nothing "
He brings books with two others which he likes, like Firadousi( By Gurram Jaashuva ) and some Furits or mirchi bajji or something.
like these it goes on......
I was just passing by and saw them. Mother Father and his Son. Father is putting his hand on his Son and walking.
So, I remembered my Daddy. Because whenever we used to have a walk I used to put hand on him and used to walk like that. Let me tell you one thing. Except his height I am an exact clone of him. When we walk there goes hell lot of discussions.
Let me give some examples.( some conversations might be in telugu )
Daddy asks, " Nanna...nuvvu chese project entra? "
Myself " Daddy...naadhi nano particles midha. "
There comes the first question.
Daddy " nanparticles ante entra pedha? "
Myself " daddy nano particles ante ippudu sudha mukka ni rendu baagalu cheyyi entha 2.5 cms kadha. malli rendu mukkalu cheyyi...1.25 malli ila chesukuntooo pothuu unte... oka stage lo aa particle size konni nanometre's size vachevaraku ante... millimetre lo 10 lakshalo vanthu anamata...dani valla bollanni advantages untai daddy. like many things... "
No there comes another question from daddy , " avunura pedha Dr. Vijay Prakash garu enti research papers publication antunnaru. ante enti? "
My self , " Ante adhe daddy monna naa paper publish ayyindhi news paper lo annavu chudu adhi. Actually entante ante to say to the world that Yes I did it first than anyone revealing some mystery of nature or something... "
Now its my turn , " Daddy Habeas Corpus writ ante adhi fundamental rights lo Right to Constitutional remedies kindhaki vasthundhi kadha "
daddy says , " Yes correct. ante evaranna e writ kindha case files chesthe the person or the victim should be presented to the court within 24 hours. inka ilani writ of mandamus, certiorari, quo warranto.. "
And he says.. " Do you know what is perestroika glasnost? "
I say , " That one termed by Gorbachev. appudu cheppav kadha. "
daddy says, " Yeah...Russia lo emayyedhi ante...lopala antha poverty. bayataki maathram emi thelavanichevaru kadhu. so appudu Gorbachev vachi yes we will open it ani...Perestroika meaning Openness... "
Whenever he wants to say greatness of India, " Orei pedha ippudante mana vallu inni scientific equipments vachayi kaanni....appatlo mana munulu veellu antha eppudo BC nati kaalam lo panchangam lo rasesaru kadha... "
It goes on like that for hours..some times these kind of discussions go on while my dad is driving the scooter. He is too fast. Sometimes there times it reaches to a speed of 80 on scooter...ooof...but still confident.
Whenever we go to books shop or exhibition we take gud amount of money. When we see some book cover page. Daddy...that is the nuclear reactor design. He says pointing to interpretation of dreams " he is sigmund freud. "
Whenever he goes out he asks , " what shall I bring for you? "
Some times my answer is , " Daddy.. Medical dictionary pattukunira daddy " or " Dad get me Psychology by Morgan et al " or " Mahaprasthanam " or " nothing "
He brings books with two others which he likes, like Firadousi( By Gurram Jaashuva ) and some Furits or mirchi bajji or something.
like these it goes on......
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Extension of Feynman's Problem Solving Algorithm!
After reading the post of Sasikanth, I thought of extending the Algorithm.
The Original one goes like this :
The Feynman Problem-Solving Algorithm:
(1) write down the problem;
(2) think very hard;
(3) write down the answer.
Subbaraju's/Subbu's Extension of Feynman's Problem Solving Algorithm:
(1) write down the problem;
(2) think very hard;
(3) write down the answer.
(4) if the answer is true/consistent then end else go to step (1)
The Original one goes like this :
The Feynman Problem-Solving Algorithm:
(1) write down the problem;
(2) think very hard;
(3) write down the answer.
Subbaraju's/Subbu's Extension of Feynman's Problem Solving Algorithm:
(1) write down the problem;
(2) think very hard;
(3) write down the answer.
(4) if the answer is true/consistent then end else go to step (1)
Friday, August 05, 2005
Subbu's trick to Nobel Prize!
[This might be boring to ppl who are not that interested in physics]
Yes! Are you desperate to win a Nobel Prize? Then there a very simple way to bag it. All the big shots in Physics are Unifiers. That is what they do is just simply unify two things.
Like see Electricity and Magnetism -- Faraday and Ampere.
Electromagnetism and Radiation -- Maxwell
Terrestrial Gravity and Earthly gravity -- Newton
Electromagnetism and Weakforces -- Weinberg, Salam and Glashow
Now to get the Nobel Prize ( Already Weinberg, Salam and Glashow got their piece for Unifying weak and force and electromagnetism. ) just unify gravity and Electromagnetism or Strong interactions with Electromagnetic ones. Well I would choose unifying Strong Interactions and Electromagnetic interactions. Beacuse already Eistein tried and died unifying gravity and electromagnetic interactions. ( in a sarcastic way. )
Well once again I have to make a point in choosing Theoretical Physics because its doesnt require big big equipments or laboratories. Just a few books pen/pencil and may be a computer with internet.
All the Best!
Yes! Are you desperate to win a Nobel Prize? Then there a very simple way to bag it. All the big shots in Physics are Unifiers. That is what they do is just simply unify two things.
Like see Electricity and Magnetism -- Faraday and Ampere.
Electromagnetism and Radiation -- Maxwell
Terrestrial Gravity and Earthly gravity -- Newton
Electromagnetism and Weakforces -- Weinberg, Salam and Glashow
Now to get the Nobel Prize ( Already Weinberg, Salam and Glashow got their piece for Unifying weak and force and electromagnetism. ) just unify gravity and Electromagnetism or Strong interactions with Electromagnetic ones. Well I would choose unifying Strong Interactions and Electromagnetic interactions. Beacuse already Eistein tried and died unifying gravity and electromagnetic interactions. ( in a sarcastic way. )
Well once again I have to make a point in choosing Theoretical Physics because its doesnt require big big equipments or laboratories. Just a few books pen/pencil and may be a computer with internet.
All the Best!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Fever( Biology revisited )
Now a days I am having a preiodic doses of normal fever. So what happens when there is fever? Or let me put it this way. What is fever?
Anybody temperature elevation above 100 degrees Farenheit.
How do we get fever?
There is an organ in our body called Hypothalamus which is located in the brain is the one which controls the temperature. Its like the thermostat of the body. So, when the thermostat is set to a higher temperature i.e above 100 degrees Farenheit,then the condition is known as Fever. High metabolism, rush of blood to the cooler parts that is to the skin, shivering of muscles to generate heat are the effects.
How do we control fever?
Just say to the hypothalamus to reset to normal temperature. That is by some chemical messenger like aspirin or paracetamol( more famous in US as Tylenol )
When you dont have these just try the bark of willow tree which has salicin which is a crude form of Salicylic acid. Well aspirin is Acetytl Salicylic acid. It is also used to save patients from minor strokes.
Coming to paracetamol or tylenol, chemically p- acetylamino phenol.
What they do is just resets hypothalamus to a lower temperature. For best results take paracetamol 6hourly. Take two more tablets even after fever is gone.
Warning!! Take care of the intake of aspirin. It can be dangerous.
Coming to the malarial fever caused by plasmodium malariae ( in which case fever is periodic with a period of approximately 72hrs ) or plasmodium vivax take dose of quinine. Or crudely from the bark Cinchona ( Cinchona Officinalis ) which has this alkaloid quinine.
Ok! thats it. I know this much only....
Anybody temperature elevation above 100 degrees Farenheit.
How do we get fever?
There is an organ in our body called Hypothalamus which is located in the brain is the one which controls the temperature. Its like the thermostat of the body. So, when the thermostat is set to a higher temperature i.e above 100 degrees Farenheit,then the condition is known as Fever. High metabolism, rush of blood to the cooler parts that is to the skin, shivering of muscles to generate heat are the effects.
How do we control fever?
Just say to the hypothalamus to reset to normal temperature. That is by some chemical messenger like aspirin or paracetamol( more famous in US as Tylenol )
When you dont have these just try the bark of willow tree which has salicin which is a crude form of Salicylic acid. Well aspirin is Acetytl Salicylic acid. It is also used to save patients from minor strokes.
Coming to paracetamol or tylenol, chemically p- acetylamino phenol.
What they do is just resets hypothalamus to a lower temperature. For best results take paracetamol 6hourly. Take two more tablets even after fever is gone.
Warning!! Take care of the intake of aspirin. It can be dangerous.
Coming to the malarial fever caused by plasmodium malariae ( in which case fever is periodic with a period of approximately 72hrs ) or plasmodium vivax take dose of quinine. Or crudely from the bark Cinchona ( Cinchona Officinalis ) which has this alkaloid quinine.
Ok! thats it. I know this much only....
What is the alkaloid in coffee?
Straight away the answer is Caffeine.
Now what is the alkaloid in tea?
The answer is little bit time dependent. Time dependent in the sense if you asked the same question 8 or 9 years back the answer is " Teaine ".
But later they found it to be the same as Caffeine. First when they found this alkaloid they put the name as Teaine. Later its structure resembled caffeine.
As a fact tea in its raw form has more caffeine than coffee( in raw form ). But when you prepare tea and coffee coffee has more caffeine than tea. And tea has antioxidants ( which help in fighting cancers and heartattack ) in which many times they are not available naturally.
Straight away the answer is Caffeine.
Now what is the alkaloid in tea?
The answer is little bit time dependent. Time dependent in the sense if you asked the same question 8 or 9 years back the answer is " Teaine ".
But later they found it to be the same as Caffeine. First when they found this alkaloid they put the name as Teaine. Later its structure resembled caffeine.
As a fact tea in its raw form has more caffeine than coffee( in raw form ). But when you prepare tea and coffee coffee has more caffeine than tea. And tea has antioxidants ( which help in fighting cancers and heartattack ) in which many times they are not available naturally.
Friday, July 22, 2005
I somehow got interested in this language. Always its name 'Tulu' always used to attract me.But I'm not getting any gud tutorials. I learned few words. Enchaulla means How are you? Any body please help me out.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Opposites attract
It happens everwhere except in Gravity! Here likes attract. But why? lemme find out and post here soon. Actually there is a good book by Sir. Feynman, Lectures on gravitation.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
I today started programming in matlab. Trying to simulate Distributed Bragg Reflectors. Now don't ask what is that. A lot of mathematics is there. Please don't confuse with MATLAB. Because Matlab is many times confused as Mathematics Laboratory. But its Matrix Laboratory.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
I always get struck when I solve Maxwell's equation. This problem solving these bloody equations and keeping in mind Finite Element Methods then I ( infact me and rashmish )couldn't figure out the boundary conditions...and thats it. I am struck. I din't go to that problem again. Now I am determined to solve it.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
somehow nowadays I am having this feeling...that Einstein is an idiot. I dont knw why. I feel like he would have proposed relativity ( in crude terms ) like this " nothing is absolute "
Haaan...if i say something from my heart and those people who dont believe me or had changed their opinion bcos of other's sayings who have no idea abt me...Believe me...I hate them...I ignore them.
I'm pissed with those kind of people.
I'm pissed with those kind of people.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Minkowski and Einstein!
Today when me and Rashmish ( He is my latest physics friend and junior ) were talking about General Theory of Relativity( its not that I know. He knows something and explaining to me and I'm listening). He was saying this....
Einstein was student of Minowski. He was his mathematics proffesor. Then when Einstein published the paper on General Theory of Relativity, Minkowski said, " Oh....that fellow who never used to atten the classes. "
Then Rashmish is saying..ohh may be one day you will make it big. Let us see.
Einstein was student of Minowski. He was his mathematics proffesor. Then when Einstein published the paper on General Theory of Relativity, Minkowski said, " Oh....that fellow who never used to atten the classes. "
Then Rashmish is saying..ohh may be one day you will make it big. Let us see.
Four lines for beautiful women!
I think these four lines are for beautiful women in the increasing order of their age.
1. You are sooo beautiful...
2. Your dress is nice...
3. You have a nice makeup...
4. You look so young..
1. You are sooo beautiful...
2. Your dress is nice...
3. You have a nice makeup...
4. You look so young..
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Learn History!
Are you thinking that you are wasting time in Orkut. Then its time to learn history. Just with help of and None other than Google.
Just go to Orkut look at somebody or some friend. Then look at his no. of scraps or communities. Then if its in 1000's like 1857. Then open and search like this. India + 1857 + history or your own idea.( Well I am Indian ) Then you wil get something. Read that. If its crap leave it. Then its something like "Sepoy Mutiny" remember.
Then if the communities no is 57, the make it 1857 1957 like can search whatever you want. It depends all on you.
Well not only this...some times people write long long profiles. Many of them infact many words I dont understand. gives a pretty help. ( By now reading all the posts you must knowing that I'am very very weak in English. )
Enjoy orkutting and googling........
Just go to Orkut look at somebody or some friend. Then look at his no. of scraps or communities. Then if its in 1000's like 1857. Then open and search like this. India + 1857 + history or your own idea.( Well I am Indian ) Then you wil get something. Read that. If its crap leave it. Then its something like "Sepoy Mutiny" remember.
Then if the communities no is 57, the make it 1857 1957 like can search whatever you want. It depends all on you.
Well not only this...some times people write long long profiles. Many of them infact many words I dont understand. gives a pretty help. ( By now reading all the posts you must knowing that I'am very very weak in English. )
Enjoy orkutting and googling........
Remembering the Phone nos.
Oh my Gaawd! Remembering phone no.s is very easy. I find some or the other relation between any two no.s
Do you know the reason? I know it.
Beacuse they all have the same " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 " Bad joke no? But the thing is now a days I am remembering each and every no. correlating to each other. Then the problem is assigning that phone no. to that particualr person. Thats the problem. Today I got a call from Saran :: The Astronaut. Actually the same no with a minor difference...I remember someother person who is a friend of Thulasiram. So I just said this is your call. But unfortunately its Saran. Oh my Gaawd. But now a days my memory is back to form. The thing of perfection in Inter 1 year is almost back.
Do you know the reason? I know it.
Beacuse they all have the same " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 " Bad joke no? But the thing is now a days I am remembering each and every no. correlating to each other. Then the problem is assigning that phone no. to that particualr person. Thats the problem. Today I got a call from Saran :: The Astronaut. Actually the same no with a minor difference...I remember someother person who is a friend of Thulasiram. So I just said this is your call. But unfortunately its Saran. Oh my Gaawd. But now a days my memory is back to form. The thing of perfection in Inter 1 year is almost back.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Nuvvosthanante Nenodhantana first song
Look at the lyrics of the song.
Chandrudilo unde kundhelu kindhikochindha?
kindhikochi neela marindha? thandana
Chukkalo unde jigelu ninu mechindha?
mechi neelo cherindha? thandana
Just I found the lines interesting
Chandrudilo unde kundhelu kindhikochindha?
kindhikochi neela marindha? thandana
Chukkalo unde jigelu ninu mechindha?
mechi neelo cherindha? thandana
Just I found the lines interesting
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Friendship with Gaurds of IIT Delhi
In the morning around 6:30 I am taking a short walk around the hostels. Suddenly one person came from back and said, " Namashkaar ji ". He is none other than our IIT hostel gate's gaurd saab. I replied back, " Namashkaar ji ".
Knowing gaurds really pays you. No need to check my letters. Daily when I go to the desk gaurd saab says, " Sir! aapka Money order hai " or " Sir! aapka registered post hai. patha nahi usme aapka room no galath likha hua hai. " ( My dad has this very bad habit. He writes different room nos each and everytime. )
And whenever I go to computer services center, gaurd saab doesnt ask ID card. Just I enter just giving a small smile at him. Whenever I enter into other hostel I just give a hand shake without showing any ID card.
Moral of the story is just say Hi to everyone with a smile. One day it pays back.
Knowing gaurds really pays you. No need to check my letters. Daily when I go to the desk gaurd saab says, " Sir! aapka Money order hai " or " Sir! aapka registered post hai. patha nahi usme aapka room no galath likha hua hai. " ( My dad has this very bad habit. He writes different room nos each and everytime. )
And whenever I go to computer services center, gaurd saab doesnt ask ID card. Just I enter just giving a small smile at him. Whenever I enter into other hostel I just give a hand shake without showing any ID card.
Moral of the story is just say Hi to everyone with a smile. One day it pays back.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Back to Quantum Mechanics!
Not to forget
Sir Richard P feynman : I think that I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.
Yes. But what I have in picture I will give you.
Rule : Nothing exists unless until you measure it.
So whatever you observe are the observables. Once you observe it that means you are mesauring it. Like position, mommentum. In order ot measure you should operate observables operator on the Wave Function or what it represents the particle or the system. system can be anything from electron to atom to group of atoms to human anything. now if you want to find the position act the operator for the position on the wave function. Then it gives the position. oooo...wait wait... Im confusiing.
Let me put it in a humorous way.
Suppose a boy wanted to have a relation with a girl. so what are the possibilities. he will have realtion, no relation, or just he will meet her and never meet her again and so and so on....
So if I write the wavefunction of the guy with respect to the variable relationship with the girl.
WF = P1|long lasting realtion>+P2|few days realtion>........+Pn|he will never meet her>
|function> is nothing but a state. |Fn> form a complete orthonormal set. i.e There is no other possibilty.
Now the question is wats the propability of finding the guy with gal. Now operate it with relation operator or multiply it with ket (<> ) and
<>=1 if m=n
=0 for others.
so we get the required Pn value. Pn's are nothig but probabilities associated with each ket.
So now unless until we go and see /observe both we dont know wats the relation between them. Once we measure it All the values dimish and just we see the only relation...
Hope u "dint" understand. Yes you will not....Its nothig but Qunatum Mechanics. No body can Feynman says. Doubts are abosolutely get urself more confused.[:P]
Sir Richard P feynman : I think that I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.
Yes. But what I have in picture I will give you.
Rule : Nothing exists unless until you measure it.
So whatever you observe are the observables. Once you observe it that means you are mesauring it. Like position, mommentum. In order ot measure you should operate observables operator on the Wave Function or what it represents the particle or the system. system can be anything from electron to atom to group of atoms to human anything. now if you want to find the position act the operator for the position on the wave function. Then it gives the position. oooo...wait wait... Im confusiing.
Let me put it in a humorous way.
Suppose a boy wanted to have a relation with a girl. so what are the possibilities. he will have realtion, no relation, or just he will meet her and never meet her again and so and so on....
So if I write the wavefunction of the guy with respect to the variable relationship with the girl.
WF = P1|long lasting realtion>+P2|few days realtion>........+Pn|he will never meet her>
|function> is nothing but a state. |Fn> form a complete orthonormal set. i.e There is no other possibilty.
Now the question is wats the propability of finding the guy with gal. Now operate it with relation operator or multiply it with ket (<> ) and
=0 for others.
so we get the required Pn value. Pn's are nothig but probabilities associated with each ket.
So now unless until we go and see /observe both we dont know wats the relation between them. Once we measure it All the values dimish and just we see the only relation...
Hope u "dint" understand. Yes you will not....Its nothig but Qunatum Mechanics. No body can Feynman says. Doubts are abosolutely get urself more confused.[:P]
Monday, June 20, 2005
Strategy to kill HIV virus.
First the idea is design nano robots. Which are intelligent enough to detect the right species i.e virus. Then make these robots such that they get sticked to the virus and either it destroys the RNA or simply disables its function by modifying some of the nucleotides. Solution seems very simple no? Then wheres the problem?
The problem is design the nanorobot and teach it how to detect the virus and disable them. Now solution to these problem can be given in two parts.
1. The nano robot. Making it is very tough. But I think it will soon be made. They already claim to make a nano piston. just a few molecules.
2. Now the biggest problem is teacching it. It may require a lot of memory. Then here comes the Quantum computing. Qubits. The quantum bits. nothing but the spin of an electron. When the spin is Up say 1 when its down say 0. Or may be if the probability of finding an electron is more than half then 1 when its less than 0.5 its 0. Anway it doesnt matter whether its first or second. Now the problem is making the Qubit. Once its made you design the rest.
3. Destroying the RNA. Its pretty tough rite now for me to write aboutit. but one thing is that comes into handy is molceular docking. Yes. It requires Biologist, Chemist, Mechanical Engineer( for the docking ) Last but not least a Physicist!
Another way I saw it in New Scientist! ( BTW the above idea is mine. ) The thing is first to kill the virus we have to rip them from the WBC.( White blood cells ) For this I forgot the name. But What it does is it rips of the virus from WBC. Now use the retroviral drugs to kill them.
The problem is design the nanorobot and teach it how to detect the virus and disable them. Now solution to these problem can be given in two parts.
1. The nano robot. Making it is very tough. But I think it will soon be made. They already claim to make a nano piston. just a few molecules.
2. Now the biggest problem is teacching it. It may require a lot of memory. Then here comes the Quantum computing. Qubits. The quantum bits. nothing but the spin of an electron. When the spin is Up say 1 when its down say 0. Or may be if the probability of finding an electron is more than half then 1 when its less than 0.5 its 0. Anway it doesnt matter whether its first or second. Now the problem is making the Qubit. Once its made you design the rest.
3. Destroying the RNA. Its pretty tough rite now for me to write aboutit. but one thing is that comes into handy is molceular docking. Yes. It requires Biologist, Chemist, Mechanical Engineer( for the docking ) Last but not least a Physicist!
Another way I saw it in New Scientist! ( BTW the above idea is mine. ) The thing is first to kill the virus we have to rip them from the WBC.( White blood cells ) For this I forgot the name. But What it does is it rips of the virus from WBC. Now use the retroviral drugs to kill them.
Monday, June 13, 2005
A flight ticket to Sweeden!
This happened when I was in Germany. My friend and fellow guest researcher Florian Sommerer, Austrian was leaving. He arranged a small party.
We three Dr.Katia Parodi, Florian and myself were talking about Sir. C V Raman, a Nobel laureate in Physics from India. They asked me that Sir. C V Raman used to buy a ship ticket to Sweeden 2 years before he got the Nobel Prize, i.e expecting it from 2 years before, is that true?
Yesterday I remembered this incident and thought may be I should also start buying the Flight ticket every year from now onwards. :))
All the bets Subbu! Nothing can stop you.
We three Dr.Katia Parodi, Florian and myself were talking about Sir. C V Raman, a Nobel laureate in Physics from India. They asked me that Sir. C V Raman used to buy a ship ticket to Sweeden 2 years before he got the Nobel Prize, i.e expecting it from 2 years before, is that true?
Yesterday I remembered this incident and thought may be I should also start buying the Flight ticket every year from now onwards. :))
All the bets Subbu! Nothing can stop you.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Dual nature of my interests.
The branch i opted for is Physics. I am so fascinated with physics that most people from Andhra Pradesh generally prefer Mathematics in which they seem to be more strong. But me being a student of Srinivasa Chary Sir( of Mega Study Cirlce fame. ) , was much more interested in Physics.
All this happened because of my dad. Man he is too practical. I still remember his explaination of 7 continents and 5 oceans and easy way to learn 5 table in LKG. He took a basin of water and put 6 cardpieces with 6 continents names written and an Ice cube with a paper sticked on it named Antarctica. I still have that picture in my mind. And he also explained the platlet movement just by moving these cardboards.
And for the 5 multiplication table he first taught us how to tell the time. Later he just simply asked to multiply the no with 5 and say the time the minute hand shows. He took a lot of pain for myself to pronounce fifteen. I used to say Fiveteen.:)
Around the same time one day it was heavily raining, he brought a bed bulb, bulb holder, battery and long wire. Without changing his wet dress he started connecting the circuit.
In 3rd class Freezing mixture experiment. For this me and my dad wasted almost 8hrs + 1kg of salt. Simply add salt to ice 1:16 ratio and this makes a small cup of water to freeze. These kind of things increased my appetite for Science rather than physics. Opted for MPC group in inter and Engineering Physics in my Engineering.
I love my dad. soooooo much. 21 years happy. then started struggle. Father says beta phataphat IAS banjaa. Beta sochtha hain ki is duniya mein physics ke alawa kuch bhi nahin. Relates everything with Uncertainity Principle and Quantum Mechanics, Nanoparticles, Biophysics...what not.
Never love any two things too much which contradict each other/which makes the other timely impossible. Now if i become an IAS my Physics will end and if I opt for PhD in Physics I will never in my life be an IAS officer. They seem to be complimentary like the wave-particle like Dual nature of matter. If we observe the wave nature then we dont observe the particle nature and vice versa.
Then wheres the problem? I want both. :(((
But there seems to be a hope, a little hope. After an Iranian-American scientist rebels Quantum Mechanics rules where Einstein failed. ( Remember the famous quote : " God does not play dice " )
Rule 1: Nothing exists unless until you measure it.
Rule 2: Ignore the rule 1. ( New one. )
So what exactly this Ashrafar (Iranian-American scientist) does is that he setup ineterference experiment such that he can simultaneosuly know the path of the photon and have the interference pattern. Here the path and pattern are the complimentaries.
Hope that there will be such a logic or solution to my problem too.. that simulataneously I can be an IAS officer and a Physicist. May be in "my" life "my" Dad can be Asrafar for "my" problem. ( Too many my's no? Because as in Bagavadgitha Srikrishna says, " I am the problem. I am the solution. " :P)
Three cheers to Quantum Mechanics.
All this happened because of my dad. Man he is too practical. I still remember his explaination of 7 continents and 5 oceans and easy way to learn 5 table in LKG. He took a basin of water and put 6 cardpieces with 6 continents names written and an Ice cube with a paper sticked on it named Antarctica. I still have that picture in my mind. And he also explained the platlet movement just by moving these cardboards.
And for the 5 multiplication table he first taught us how to tell the time. Later he just simply asked to multiply the no with 5 and say the time the minute hand shows. He took a lot of pain for myself to pronounce fifteen. I used to say Fiveteen.:)
Around the same time one day it was heavily raining, he brought a bed bulb, bulb holder, battery and long wire. Without changing his wet dress he started connecting the circuit.
In 3rd class Freezing mixture experiment. For this me and my dad wasted almost 8hrs + 1kg of salt. Simply add salt to ice 1:16 ratio and this makes a small cup of water to freeze. These kind of things increased my appetite for Science rather than physics. Opted for MPC group in inter and Engineering Physics in my Engineering.
I love my dad. soooooo much. 21 years happy. then started struggle. Father says beta phataphat IAS banjaa. Beta sochtha hain ki is duniya mein physics ke alawa kuch bhi nahin. Relates everything with Uncertainity Principle and Quantum Mechanics, Nanoparticles, Biophysics...what not.
Never love any two things too much which contradict each other/which makes the other timely impossible. Now if i become an IAS my Physics will end and if I opt for PhD in Physics I will never in my life be an IAS officer. They seem to be complimentary like the wave-particle like Dual nature of matter. If we observe the wave nature then we dont observe the particle nature and vice versa.
Then wheres the problem? I want both. :(((
But there seems to be a hope, a little hope. After an Iranian-American scientist rebels Quantum Mechanics rules where Einstein failed. ( Remember the famous quote : " God does not play dice " )
Rule 1: Nothing exists unless until you measure it.
Rule 2: Ignore the rule 1. ( New one. )
So what exactly this Ashrafar (Iranian-American scientist) does is that he setup ineterference experiment such that he can simultaneosuly know the path of the photon and have the interference pattern. Here the path and pattern are the complimentaries.
Hope that there will be such a logic or solution to my problem too.. that simulataneously I can be an IAS officer and a Physicist. May be in "my" life "my" Dad can be Asrafar for "my" problem. ( Too many my's no? Because as in Bagavadgitha Srikrishna says, " I am the problem. I am the solution. " :P)
Three cheers to Quantum Mechanics.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Problem of Rhyming
Yester Our the so called NG gang ( Card players gang. Rummy is our national game.[:P] ) were coming from the movie HITCH. Well the movie is very nice. While coming there was a topic on Pope.
So I remember a joke told by our English Sir Gopal.( Fortunate enough to attend that one class. I remember I attended only 2 months of classes in my whole intermediate 2 years of course. )
It goes like this....
When Pope visited India our so called Royal Nehru's Family invited him for a dinner. At the dinner all three, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Ms. Indira Gandhi, Mr. Feroze Gandhi, were there. Nehru took his chance and said, " Pope the Divine have the Wine ." Then after wine Ms. Indira Gandhi said, " Pope the Great have the Plate. " Now it's Feroze Gandhi's turn. As everybody is using rhyming words in confusion he said, " Pope the Bastard have the Custard ".
So I remember a joke told by our English Sir Gopal.( Fortunate enough to attend that one class. I remember I attended only 2 months of classes in my whole intermediate 2 years of course. )
It goes like this....
When Pope visited India our so called Royal Nehru's Family invited him for a dinner. At the dinner all three, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Ms. Indira Gandhi, Mr. Feroze Gandhi, were there. Nehru took his chance and said, " Pope the Divine have the Wine ." Then after wine Ms. Indira Gandhi said, " Pope the Great have the Plate. " Now it's Feroze Gandhi's turn. As everybody is using rhyming words in confusion he said, " Pope the Bastard have the Custard ".
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Today I went to a general stores for buying a soap. I had 1 rupee change. So thought of having a toffee. Melody!!( melody hain chocolatee....)This chocolate remembers me of my old friend R. Prudhvi. When I was in 4 class it was his birthday and Uncle bought a packet of melody chocolates. That me my sister and brother had our dinner there with other friend Chandra Sekhar. I still have those photos.
Now he is far away in US of America doing his postgraduation in some University near to Kentucky.
Now he is far away in US of America doing his postgraduation in some University near to Kentucky.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Mozilla's Firefox
Today when I was sottong on a computer in computer services centre, there is no Firefox. What is this. So had to download Mozilla Firefox 1.0.3 version and do my rest work.
Longlive Open Source/ Free Software.
Longlive Open Source/ Free Software.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Leg ache....My leg is aching a lot. Left leg. Please somebody help me.
Diwakaram! konchem mandhunte ivvavayya...
Diwakaram! konchem mandhunte ivvavayya...
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Thats what the New Scientist, 19 February 2005 Special edition says. The topics listed out here are
Of these I am ineterested more Mission to moon titled under Going it alone
[from-the-exact-words-of -The New Scientist]
NESTLED amid the eucalyptus, cashew and coconut trees of Sriharikota Island on the eastern coast of India, north of Chennai, is a 76-metre steel tower. If all goes to plan sometime in late 2007 the tower will be engulfed in flames asd India's first mission to the moon blasts off. Sriharikota will also be the launch site for India's most advanced scientific research satellite, Astrosat. The satellite will measure, among other things, X-ray radiation emitted by matter sucked into black holes and given off that birth and collision of stars.
But why is India, a country that still has to so many development problems on the ground, aiming for the heavens? To Indian scientists, the question is not only patronising of their scientific aspirations, it betrays an ignorance of the Idian space programme's greater purpose and successes against the odds.
India's political leaders say the country cannot afford not to have a space programme. Indira Gandhi, who was India's longest-serving prime minister, believed it is not only Important for science, but also vital to India's development.
Take, for example, India's six remote-sensing satellites-the largets such constellation in the world. These monitor the country's land and coastal waters so that scientists can advise rural comunities on the location of aquifiers and where to find watercourses, suggest to fishermen when to set sail for the best catch, and warn coastal communities of imminent storms( see "Eyes in the sky", page 35). India's seven communication satellites, the biggest civilian system in the Aisa-Pacific region, now reach some of the remotest conrners of the countyr, providing television coverage to 90 percent of the population. The system is also being used to extenf remote healthcare services and education to the rural poor,
But it has been a long time coming. When India first detonated a nuclear device in 1974, the US and European nations imposed widespread sanctions to restrict India's access to technologies that could be used to amke a nuclear missile. This hobbled the country's rocket development programme and forced the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to reinvent technologies it could no longer buy. In the long run this has given Inida an advantage over other countries with aspirations to reach space. Its space programme is is laready largely self-sufficient and aims to soon be completely independent of foreign support.
It hasn't all been plain sailing. In first rocket, the Satellite launch Vehicle, ended up crashing in the Bay of Bengal 5 minutes after launch in 1979. The following year it placed a 40-kilogram remote-sensing satellite into near-Earth orbit, but the satellite's perigee was lower than planned and it entered the atmosphere and burnt up after only 130 orbits. The Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle followed, and in 1992, after two crashes, it finally succeeded in lifting 150 kilograms to a height of 435 kilometres.
ISRO moved on to the Polar Synchronous Launch Vehicle, designed to carry 1-tonnne satellites to a height of nearly 1000 kilometres. Though the first launch in September 1993 crashed, the PSLV has since performed flawlessly, placing seven Indian satellites and four from other countries into orbit. "It is our workhorse," says Madhavan Nair, director of ISRO. In 2003 the rocket was used to launch India's latest remote-sensing satellite, IRS-P6, capable of imaging the Earth surface to a resolution of 5 metres.
To put its heavier communication satellites into geostationary orbit, India still has to rely on foreign hardware. But that may soon change. ISRO's latest rocket , the Geosynschronous Launch Vehicle( GSLV ) is able to lift large satellites into geostationary orbit, 36,000 kilometres up. On 20 September2004, the GSLV launched the 2-tonne EDUSAT, the world's first satellite dedicated to providing support for educational projects.
One of the GSLV's boosters is a Russian-made cryogenic engine. International sanctions meant India only to buy the engioes, not the know-how to design and build them. So for future rockets ISRO engineers developing their own. Ground tests have been completed and the plan is to launch a completely home-made GSLV-Mark 2 by the end of this year, Nair says.
ISRO is already planning the next generation GSLV, the Mark 3, which will be powerful enough to launch India's biggest satellites. Nair now has his sights on the commercial market. A launch on GSLV-Mark 3should cost half the rate charged by France, The US and Russia, he says.
India's space programme is already a money -earner. ISRO sells infrared images from its remote-sensing satellites to other countries, including the US, where they are used for mapping. ANd the technology Experiment Satellite, launched on October 2001, is alreading beaming back images of the Earth's surface with a resolution of 1 metre, thought the are not yet available commercially.
Three per cent of ISRO's $3.3 billion 5-year budget is devoted ot the planned moon mission. A reconfigured PSLV rocket will lift Chnadrayan-"moon vehicle"in Hindi-to 36,000 kilometres, afer which the craft's own engines will take it to the mooon. Nair says one of the purposes of the mission is to inspire Indian youngsters to take up a career in science.
Chandrayan will create 3D maps of the moon's surface at a resolution of between 5 and 10 metres, something that has never been done before. It will also map the distribution of ilmeniote, a mineral that traps helium-3, a possible source of energy for future bases on the moon. No manned missions are planned, but if the trip is successful, robots might be sent up to collect samples.
According to Nair, the Madras School of Economics in Chennai has estimated that ISRO's projects have added between two and three times the organisation's budget to the national GDP. Several countries in Africa and Asia are seeking ISRO's help to emulate the model. "India is perhaps the only country where societal needs are met by the space programme in a cost-effective and the services are reacching the needy," says Nair.
[from-the-exact-words-of -The New Scientist]
Silicon Subcontinent
Cordless Village
Vaccines for pennies
Sight-giving stem cells
The giant Telescope
Thorium Power
Super Chickpea
Mission to the moon
Of these I am ineterested more Mission to moon titled under Going it alone
[from-the-exact-words-of -The New Scientist]
NESTLED amid the eucalyptus, cashew and coconut trees of Sriharikota Island on the eastern coast of India, north of Chennai, is a 76-metre steel tower. If all goes to plan sometime in late 2007 the tower will be engulfed in flames asd India's first mission to the moon blasts off. Sriharikota will also be the launch site for India's most advanced scientific research satellite, Astrosat. The satellite will measure, among other things, X-ray radiation emitted by matter sucked into black holes and given off that birth and collision of stars.
But why is India, a country that still has to so many development problems on the ground, aiming for the heavens? To Indian scientists, the question is not only patronising of their scientific aspirations, it betrays an ignorance of the Idian space programme's greater purpose and successes against the odds.
India's political leaders say the country cannot afford not to have a space programme. Indira Gandhi, who was India's longest-serving prime minister, believed it is not only Important for science, but also vital to India's development.
Take, for example, India's six remote-sensing satellites-the largets such constellation in the world. These monitor the country's land and coastal waters so that scientists can advise rural comunities on the location of aquifiers and where to find watercourses, suggest to fishermen when to set sail for the best catch, and warn coastal communities of imminent storms( see "Eyes in the sky", page 35). India's seven communication satellites, the biggest civilian system in the Aisa-Pacific region, now reach some of the remotest conrners of the countyr, providing television coverage to 90 percent of the population. The system is also being used to extenf remote healthcare services and education to the rural poor,
But it has been a long time coming. When India first detonated a nuclear device in 1974, the US and European nations imposed widespread sanctions to restrict India's access to technologies that could be used to amke a nuclear missile. This hobbled the country's rocket development programme and forced the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to reinvent technologies it could no longer buy. In the long run this has given Inida an advantage over other countries with aspirations to reach space. Its space programme is is laready largely self-sufficient and aims to soon be completely independent of foreign support.
It hasn't all been plain sailing. In first rocket, the Satellite launch Vehicle, ended up crashing in the Bay of Bengal 5 minutes after launch in 1979. The following year it placed a 40-kilogram remote-sensing satellite into near-Earth orbit, but the satellite's perigee was lower than planned and it entered the atmosphere and burnt up after only 130 orbits. The Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle followed, and in 1992, after two crashes, it finally succeeded in lifting 150 kilograms to a height of 435 kilometres.
ISRO moved on to the Polar Synchronous Launch Vehicle, designed to carry 1-tonnne satellites to a height of nearly 1000 kilometres. Though the first launch in September 1993 crashed, the PSLV has since performed flawlessly, placing seven Indian satellites and four from other countries into orbit. "It is our workhorse," says Madhavan Nair, director of ISRO. In 2003 the rocket was used to launch India's latest remote-sensing satellite, IRS-P6, capable of imaging the Earth surface to a resolution of 5 metres.
To put its heavier communication satellites into geostationary orbit, India still has to rely on foreign hardware. But that may soon change. ISRO's latest rocket , the Geosynschronous Launch Vehicle( GSLV ) is able to lift large satellites into geostationary orbit, 36,000 kilometres up. On 20 September2004, the GSLV launched the 2-tonne EDUSAT, the world's first satellite dedicated to providing support for educational projects.
One of the GSLV's boosters is a Russian-made cryogenic engine. International sanctions meant India only to buy the engioes, not the know-how to design and build them. So for future rockets ISRO engineers developing their own. Ground tests have been completed and the plan is to launch a completely home-made GSLV-Mark 2 by the end of this year, Nair says.
ISRO is already planning the next generation GSLV, the Mark 3, which will be powerful enough to launch India's biggest satellites. Nair now has his sights on the commercial market. A launch on GSLV-Mark 3should cost half the rate charged by France, The US and Russia, he says.
India's space programme is already a money -earner. ISRO sells infrared images from its remote-sensing satellites to other countries, including the US, where they are used for mapping. ANd the technology Experiment Satellite, launched on October 2001, is alreading beaming back images of the Earth's surface with a resolution of 1 metre, thought the are not yet available commercially.
Three per cent of ISRO's $3.3 billion 5-year budget is devoted ot the planned moon mission. A reconfigured PSLV rocket will lift Chnadrayan-"moon vehicle"in Hindi-to 36,000 kilometres, afer which the craft's own engines will take it to the mooon. Nair says one of the purposes of the mission is to inspire Indian youngsters to take up a career in science.
Chandrayan will create 3D maps of the moon's surface at a resolution of between 5 and 10 metres, something that has never been done before. It will also map the distribution of ilmeniote, a mineral that traps helium-3, a possible source of energy for future bases on the moon. No manned missions are planned, but if the trip is successful, robots might be sent up to collect samples.
According to Nair, the Madras School of Economics in Chennai has estimated that ISRO's projects have added between two and three times the organisation's budget to the national GDP. Several countries in Africa and Asia are seeking ISRO's help to emulate the model. "India is perhaps the only country where societal needs are met by the space programme in a cost-effective and the services are reacching the needy," says Nair.
[from-the-exact-words-of -The New Scientist]
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Cirruculum VItae!
First Tamil New year wishes!
Yesterday I was reading and article from the journal Indian Students Abroad.
In that there is this excellent article on how to write a CV. Some people use resume American/French word instead of CV. The articlre mentions some words which make the CV more presentable.
Achieve Acquire Administer Advise Ambition Budget Build Capable Clarify Complete Conceive Confidence Conscientious Co-operate Co-ordinate Create Decide Delegate Dependable Determined Develop Devise Display Direct Distincitive Educated Effective Efficient Encourage Enhance Enthusiasm Establish Evaluate Exceed Excellence Exceptional Execute Expand Experience Facilitate Finalise Finance Formulate Generate Govern Graduate Head Helpful Honest Humour Imagination IMplement Improvise Increase Unfluence Ingenuity Integrity Initiate Innovate Inspire Launch lead Liaise Loacte Loyal Maintain Manage Manage Market Mediate Motivate Negotiate Nominate Notable Obtain Operate Oppurtunity Organise Originate Overcome Participate Perceive Perfect Perform Permanent Pilot Pioneer Place Plan Play Popular Practical Praise Prepared Prestige Produce Proficient Progress Promote Propose Prove Punctual Reasonable Recognise Recommend Reduce Regulate Report Represent Research Responsible Satisfy Schedule Select Simplify Sincere Solve Stimulate Streamline Structure Substantiate Succeed Supervise Support Thorough Thoughtful Tolerant Train Transfer Treble Understand Useful Utilise Verify Vital Vivid win Wise White
They say this is the alphabetical list of favorite positive words to include in your CV. Thats a very long list I zuppose. And know the meaning of only just 65% of the words.
Yesterday I was reading and article from the journal Indian Students Abroad.
In that there is this excellent article on how to write a CV. Some people use resume American/French word instead of CV. The articlre mentions some words which make the CV more presentable.
Achieve Acquire Administer Advise Ambition Budget Build Capable Clarify Complete Conceive Confidence Conscientious Co-operate Co-ordinate Create Decide Delegate Dependable Determined Develop Devise Display Direct Distincitive Educated Effective Efficient Encourage Enhance Enthusiasm Establish Evaluate Exceed Excellence Exceptional Execute Expand Experience Facilitate Finalise Finance Formulate Generate Govern Graduate Head Helpful Honest Humour Imagination IMplement Improvise Increase Unfluence Ingenuity Integrity Initiate Innovate Inspire Launch lead Liaise Loacte Loyal Maintain Manage Manage Market Mediate Motivate Negotiate Nominate Notable Obtain Operate Oppurtunity Organise Originate Overcome Participate Perceive Perfect Perform Permanent Pilot Pioneer Place Plan Play Popular Practical Praise Prepared Prestige Produce Proficient Progress Promote Propose Prove Punctual Reasonable Recognise Recommend Reduce Regulate Report Represent Research Responsible Satisfy Schedule Select Simplify Sincere Solve Stimulate Streamline Structure Substantiate Succeed Supervise Support Thorough Thoughtful Tolerant Train Transfer Treble Understand Useful Utilise Verify Vital Vivid win Wise White
They say this is the alphabetical list of favorite positive words to include in your CV. Thats a very long list I zuppose. And know the meaning of only just 65% of the words.
Mahaakavi. inthakanna ekkuva raase goppavadini kaadhu.
akharugaa...ayana matallo....
Kallu unte choosi,
Vakkunte vraasii!
Prapanchamoka padmavyuham!
Kavithvamoka theerani daaham!
Translation for the above four lines..
See if you have eyes,
Write if you have vocabulary!
This world is a vicious circle!
And poetry is an endless thirst!
akharugaa...ayana matallo....
Kallu unte choosi,
Vakkunte vraasii!
Prapanchamoka padmavyuham!
Kavithvamoka theerani daaham!
Translation for the above four lines..
See if you have eyes,
Write if you have vocabulary!
This world is a vicious circle!
And poetry is an endless thirst!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Sesh inspiration!
I wanted to scribble something.Some ideas. Whatever it is. First of all I changed the template. So just changed it from some thing plain to funky colors and after some little effort I could manage to add my best look photos.
Now a days the term Open Source is used everywhere. The FreeSoftware People fight that ours is entirely different from Open Source. Freedom to distribute, change the existing but carrying the FSF or the GNU license( most popular. ). GNU is recursive acronym for GNU's Not Unix. But Richard Stallman ( when I attended his speech ) is much bothered about the name GNU operating system or GNU/Linux which is very very famous as Linux. I am least bothered about the name. For that sake let us call it GNU/KDE/linux.( KDE is a seperate organisation/group which develops KDesktop Enviroment. It looks as if Winows is alost hacked with advanced features. )
Let me tell you one thing. I am a big supporter of FSF/OSF whatever it is. I have been using GIMP( GNU's Image Manuplation Program. It can beat Adobe's Photoshop. But absolutely free or at a little cost for the support. ) and Mplayer. These two programs are enough to show how powerful is FSF/OSF project. Then comes the award winning browser Mozilla's Firefox. I never check my mail without this browser. GNU/KDE/Linux( Thats what the Enlightenment fellows call ) is the one operating I am using of Suse flavor. Added to this my mobile or smart phone Motorola 768i runs on GNU/KDE/Linux written for such devices. One of the reasons for buying
this smart phone is "GNU/KDE/Linux".
The conclusion for today is that I am an free software/open source guy soon going to kick that Id*** F**** MS's Win XP.
Thanks to Richard Stallman and Mahesh.( Soon Mahesh is going to be more famous than Richard Stallman.)
Ohh...did I forget to mention Google. Wow! This is the biggest corporation of FSF/OSF I suppose. Running more than 1000 GNU/KDE/Linux servers. Maaaan...the search is so fast that its as if I am searching in a Flash disk less than 1 Mb. ( Of course the comparison is very bad. But it works ) There is always one tab with Google site opened searching some or the other thing. Tab means again goes to the Mozilla's Firefox which they call it as Tabbed Browsing!
What I think about this site/quote about this site is "You should know yourslef! for everything else there is GOOGLE!
Happy Googling!
Now a days the term Open Source is used everywhere. The FreeSoftware People fight that ours is entirely different from Open Source. Freedom to distribute, change the existing but carrying the FSF or the GNU license( most popular. ). GNU is recursive acronym for GNU's Not Unix. But Richard Stallman ( when I attended his speech ) is much bothered about the name GNU operating system or GNU/Linux which is very very famous as Linux. I am least bothered about the name. For that sake let us call it GNU/KDE/linux.( KDE is a seperate organisation/group which develops KDesktop Enviroment. It looks as if Winows is alost hacked with advanced features. )
Let me tell you one thing. I am a big supporter of FSF/OSF whatever it is. I have been using GIMP( GNU's Image Manuplation Program. It can beat Adobe's Photoshop. But absolutely free or at a little cost for the support. ) and Mplayer. These two programs are enough to show how powerful is FSF/OSF project. Then comes the award winning browser Mozilla's Firefox. I never check my mail without this browser. GNU/KDE/Linux( Thats what the Enlightenment fellows call ) is the one operating I am using of Suse flavor. Added to this my mobile or smart phone Motorola 768i runs on GNU/KDE/Linux written for such devices. One of the reasons for buying
this smart phone is "GNU/KDE/Linux".
The conclusion for today is that I am an free software/open source guy soon going to kick that Id*** F**** MS's Win XP.
Thanks to Richard Stallman and Mahesh.( Soon Mahesh is going to be more famous than Richard Stallman.)
Ohh...did I forget to mention Google. Wow! This is the biggest corporation of FSF/OSF I suppose. Running more than 1000 GNU/KDE/Linux servers. Maaaan...the search is so fast that its as if I am searching in a Flash disk less than 1 Mb. ( Of course the comparison is very bad. But it works ) There is always one tab with Google site opened searching some or the other thing. Tab means again goes to the Mozilla's Firefox which they call it as Tabbed Browsing!
What I think about this site/quote about this site is "You should know yourslef! for everything else there is GOOGLE!
Happy Googling!
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