This blog is for refining my ideas and post the things which I know/read.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Problem of Rhyming

Yester Our the so called NG gang ( Card players gang. Rummy is our national game.[:P] ) were coming from the movie HITCH. Well the movie is very nice. While coming there was a topic on Pope.
So I remember a joke told by our English Sir Gopal.( Fortunate enough to attend that one class. I remember I attended only 2 months of classes in my whole intermediate 2 years of course. )

It goes like this....

When Pope visited India our so called Royal Nehru's Family invited him for a dinner. At the dinner all three, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Ms. Indira Gandhi, Mr. Feroze Gandhi, were there. Nehru took his chance and said, " Pope the Divine have the Wine ." Then after wine Ms. Indira Gandhi said, " Pope the Great have the Plate. " Now it's Feroze Gandhi's turn. As everybody is using rhyming words in confusion he said, " Pope the Bastard have the Custard ".

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