This blog is for refining my ideas and post the things which I know/read.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Feynman's idea of making nano robots!

Make a Robot. It has to do the following things.

1.) It should make a Robot which is exactly does the samthing.

2.) But the Robot it makes is 1/10 of the dimensions.

Now the newly made 1/10 size Robot will make another Robot of 1/10 of its size.
So, now if we consider 2 m * 0.4 m * 0.2 m dimension Robot then the 8 generation robot will have 2/100000000 m * 4/100000000 m * 2/1000000000 m dimensions. After this the parts are so small that normal classical mechanics starts failing.( I think Feynman din't mention this point. ) After this we have to solve the Schrodinger equation for the mechanics. they behave abnormally. We cannot pin point them. If we do so then they will be disturbed. So, the speaking in Worldly terms : It no longer obeys your orders. Better say like this. It will not be able to do its work. Ex : To make a hand of 1/10 of its size, it may cut it to 1/8 or may be...or simply its uncertain. ( This implied because of Principle of Uncertainity. )

1 comment:

freak-y said...

hmm.. the only problem is if we do need to find out if they are carrying out thier work :D.

ante if we dont point them out, there is no uncertainity in their momentum and hence not disobeying orders BUT NO WAY OF KNOWING IT, anthe na ?