Haaa... I always used to feel that gtalk doesnt have voice support for GNU/Linux. Then I was wrong. After reading OSUOSL.org site I came to know that Tapioca supports voice chat of gtalk. Just added
deb http://extindt01.indt.org/tapioca/apt etch main
in my apt sources and
apt-get install tapiocaui0.3
installed. then there was a problem. libdbus problem. After a bit of googling I just linked it like this
ln -s /usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3 usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.2
hailaa.....it works....
Long Live FreeSoftware-GPL-OpenSource!
This blog is for refining my ideas and post the things which I know/read.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Unfortunately because of bad integration of my google account with blogger account I have to shift to gvsubbaraju.blogspot.com
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Subbaraju G V ranks 1 on google!
and there appears this blog owner's profile the very first one!
and there appears this blog owner's profile the very first one!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Nature is a better Physicist!
This is the line quoted by my teacher of Heat and Mass Transfer Prof. P M V Subbarao at i i t delhi in today's lecture.
The example he has given is of Dianosaurs. Whenever you see any dianosaur image many of them have fins from nose to tail. Yes! You guessed it right. It has lot of physics to do with. The survival of any species depends on its adaptation to the nature. The one which can't adapt get extincted. Dianosaurs are the ones.
But even they could live for some time may be just because the time they lived, they had plenty of food and temperatures were low. Imagine such huge body consumes quintals of food and due to metabolism how much of heat is generated. Such enormous heat if its not dissipated, the poor being is going to die.
Now if the surrounding temperature is low, then there is high chance of survival. But as time passed by temperature increased. Then few of them are intelligent enough to evolve. They developed these fins. What is basic principle is you have to have large surface area to volume. Then these fins are near trapezoidal. They dissipate the heat. All this can be designed in just considering the non homogeneous heat conduction differential equation.
The same is implemneted in computers processors, nuclear reactors etc...
more on my Sirs website.
Subbarao gaari site
The example he has given is of Dianosaurs. Whenever you see any dianosaur image many of them have fins from nose to tail. Yes! You guessed it right. It has lot of physics to do with. The survival of any species depends on its adaptation to the nature. The one which can't adapt get extincted. Dianosaurs are the ones.
But even they could live for some time may be just because the time they lived, they had plenty of food and temperatures were low. Imagine such huge body consumes quintals of food and due to metabolism how much of heat is generated. Such enormous heat if its not dissipated, the poor being is going to die.
Now if the surrounding temperature is low, then there is high chance of survival. But as time passed by temperature increased. Then few of them are intelligent enough to evolve. They developed these fins. What is basic principle is you have to have large surface area to volume. Then these fins are near trapezoidal. They dissipate the heat. All this can be designed in just considering the non homogeneous heat conduction differential equation.
The same is implemneted in computers processors, nuclear reactors etc...
more on my Sirs website.
Subbarao gaari site
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
3 common elements.
Generally these are the things you always find in teoretical physcis.
1.) Representation : The process by which we model a physical situation mathematically is called Representation
2.) Realization : The proceaa in which we find a physical situation for a mathematical model is known as Realization.
3.) Covariance : If there are one or more mathematical model i.e many mathematical equivalent representations of a physical situation, covariance is the changes in the rulesa and mathematical structures as one goes from one equivalent representation to another.
1.) Representation : The process by which we model a physical situation mathematically is called Representation
2.) Realization : The proceaa in which we find a physical situation for a mathematical model is known as Realization.
3.) Covariance : If there are one or more mathematical model i.e many mathematical equivalent representations of a physical situation, covariance is the changes in the rulesa and mathematical structures as one goes from one equivalent representation to another.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
I dint have coffee/tea at a stretch for two days. can you belive. And also these days removing the daily routine I did only two things : Reading or wtching movies.
BTW I am currently learning General Relatvity where curvature of spacetime leads to Gravitation. And also little bit of Quantum Field Theories.
BTW I am currently learning General Relatvity where curvature of spacetime leads to Gravitation. And also little bit of Quantum Field Theories.
Naked - pant
Two days back when I had my dinner and coming from Ananths[ Andhra restaurant in Yousuf Sarai ] on an Auto...The autowala started an interested conversation.
Autowala : Sir! aaj...ek ladiki motorcycle mein undeviar mein gaya tha Sir! mathlab naked nahi Sir. Naked ka mathlab pant Sir! woh nahin sir...bus underviar mein tha Sir...
Autowala : Sir! aaj...ek ladiki motorcycle mein undeviar mein gaya tha Sir! mathlab naked nahi Sir. Naked ka mathlab pant Sir! woh nahin sir...bus underviar mein tha Sir...
Monday, June 05, 2006
Many reasons to write this post!

Ohhh....my gaawd! she is awesome. of course she is beautiful and also cute. then she has many talents. dancing sketching [ I know only these. ] when she does she does with perfection. I can't stop appreciating her. anyway I am putting one of her self portrait. and also last but most important. she likes *physics* im sorry. i dint mention her name. she is vennela shortly vennu and saran calls smilie.[ u can effortlesly choose this nickname by seeing the portrait.:) ]
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Vedhavalu andi.....
Oka edhava nalugu samvatsaralu kritha i i t delhi lo join ayyadu. Ayuthu ayuthoone...inko edhavani kalisadu. ee edhava already thelisina edhave. aa tharvatha aa edhava inko edhavani kalisadu. aa edhava room mate inko edhava. aa edhava kuda mundhe thelsu modhati edhavaki. eellaki inko edhava kalisadu. motham aidhuguru edhavalu nalugu samvatsaralu chesinanni edhava panulu anni inni kaadhu. aakaruki aa edhavalu antha vidipoyaru. i i t delhi vadhilesina aa naluguru edhavalu mamulu manushulayyi jana jeevana sravanthi lo kalisipoyaaru. aa tharvatha aa okka modhati edhava inka i i t delhi lo inka rendu samvatsaralu edhavagane migilipodhamani decide ayyadu.
Edhavallaara ekam kandi!
Edhavallaara ekam kandi!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Sound of Silence!
Sometimes I wonder about the imagination ( and many times their interpretations ) of poets and writers ( To include the modern day singers. In a broad sense "Artists" in which I include the "Physicists" . ) To start with " Ravi kaanchanicho kavi kaanchune kadha...
Three examples :
1 ) Jonathan Swift in his third part of Gulliver travels he is able to predict the neptune and its satellites with their period of rotation with fair amount of accuracy.
2 ) Keats( I dont remember whether its Shelly whoever it is...) " A bold lover... thou can't kiss her... " a line saying about painting on the pot where a king sees beautiful woman. To a non-physicist. It might not matter. Or may be they interpret it in another way. In physicist point of view its like this. There are some other dimensions missing. here in this case is case the time dimension. Without that time dimension he can't kiss her. And this problem in now a days theoretical physics is taken rather seriously and they put forward not 4 ( x,y,z,time ) but 11 or may be 16 dimensions. So without exploring those extradimensions we can't describe the Universe exactly. Extra dimensions? You can say no way maaaan. But see.... observe from a very large distance a straw. It appears to be a line. But when we observe it from a a point near to it, its like a 2d surface curved around. Also if the straw was very very very large, we observe it to be a flat surface like earth. So the dimensions which we don't are curled up in small dimensions either can't measure or very large values which we virtually feel to be in flat in that dimension.
3 ) Sound of Silence : sung by Simon and Garfunkel. Its a oxymoron. Sound is absnce of silence. Silence is absence of sound. But yeah....this kind of term exists in Physics. The so called Vacuum fluctuations or Quantum fluctuations. Which says that there is nothing like classical vacuum. There is always some truly speaking not some but infinite energy in the free space which we treat it as vacuum. These can be seen as a manifestation of Heisenberg's( Einstein : ...I'm at all events convinced that He doesn't play dice . Bohr In reply to it : But still it cannot be for us to tell God, how he is to run the world. ) Uncertainity Principle like Ferromagnetism which is manifestation of Pauli's principle. These vacuum fluctuations are responsible for many effects which one example is Laser ( without these spontaneous emission cannot occurs and without these stimulated radiation cannot be produced. ) and LED. Also Casimir effect.
To end it up
Pal Adrian Maurice Dirac : It seems that if one is working from the point of view of getting beauty ib one's equations and if one has a really sound insight, one is on sure line of progress.
So if you are able to appreciate the beauty, symmetry( or antisymmetry ) of the nature and try to put it int the form of equation then suddenly most of the disorder falls into order.
Three examples :
1 ) Jonathan Swift in his third part of Gulliver travels he is able to predict the neptune and its satellites with their period of rotation with fair amount of accuracy.
2 ) Keats( I dont remember whether its Shelly whoever it is...) " A bold lover... thou can't kiss her... " a line saying about painting on the pot where a king sees beautiful woman. To a non-physicist. It might not matter. Or may be they interpret it in another way. In physicist point of view its like this. There are some other dimensions missing. here in this case is case the time dimension. Without that time dimension he can't kiss her. And this problem in now a days theoretical physics is taken rather seriously and they put forward not 4 ( x,y,z,time ) but 11 or may be 16 dimensions. So without exploring those extradimensions we can't describe the Universe exactly. Extra dimensions? You can say no way maaaan. But see.... observe from a very large distance a straw. It appears to be a line. But when we observe it from a a point near to it, its like a 2d surface curved around. Also if the straw was very very very large, we observe it to be a flat surface like earth. So the dimensions which we don't are curled up in small dimensions either can't measure or very large values which we virtually feel to be in flat in that dimension.
3 ) Sound of Silence : sung by Simon and Garfunkel. Its a oxymoron. Sound is absnce of silence. Silence is absence of sound. But yeah....this kind of term exists in Physics. The so called Vacuum fluctuations or Quantum fluctuations. Which says that there is nothing like classical vacuum. There is always some truly speaking not some but infinite energy in the free space which we treat it as vacuum. These can be seen as a manifestation of Heisenberg's( Einstein : ...I'm at all events convinced that He doesn't play dice . Bohr In reply to it : But still it cannot be for us to tell God, how he is to run the world. ) Uncertainity Principle like Ferromagnetism which is manifestation of Pauli's principle. These vacuum fluctuations are responsible for many effects which one example is Laser ( without these spontaneous emission cannot occurs and without these stimulated radiation cannot be produced. ) and LED. Also Casimir effect.
To end it up
Pal Adrian Maurice Dirac : It seems that if one is working from the point of view of getting beauty ib one's equations and if one has a really sound insight, one is on sure line of progress.
So if you are able to appreciate the beauty, symmetry( or antisymmetry ) of the nature and try to put it int the form of equation then suddenly most of the disorder falls into order.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Realtively became stronger in Mathematics. I could solve Bessel's equation. Infact mastered Forbenius method.
Ooo...did I tell you that now a days my big time hobby is cooking?
Then I have to describe the couple of adventures describing myself " Cookest " ( Cook - Cooker - Cookest )
1.) Be able to cook for 9 ppl Mutton Rasam Rice and Semya
2.) Experiment to cook Cauliflower( which usually stinks ) and egg with great success and appreciations.
If you want receipes contact. Or maybe I should open a blog on this.
Ooo...did I tell you that now a days my big time hobby is cooking?
Then I have to describe the couple of adventures describing myself " Cookest " ( Cook - Cooker - Cookest )
1.) Be able to cook for 9 ppl Mutton Rasam Rice and Semya
2.) Experiment to cook Cauliflower( which usually stinks ) and egg with great success and appreciations.
If you want receipes contact. Or maybe I should open a blog on this.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
When I was child I used to watch Vitalaachary movies a lot. ( Still I do. For the Unknown Vitalacharya is a very famous director in our old Telugu movie. All his movies have high funda things like teleportation, one person is present simulataneously at two places & he will be able to play simultaneously two or more music instruments and play a full orchestra etc... They are very interesting. There will be one villan who knows all these tactics and he captures heroine. Now the Hero is an ordinary man. He with his will power learns these things from some Guru or some or the other away. In this proces he has to cross many hurdles. And in last fights with the villan and kills him. Though Hero has less powers because Good has to win over Bad , he manages to kill him. )
Now why Im talking of Vitalacharya movies? Because at that small age ( 6-10 years old ) I used to fascinate my self " How nice it would be if I appear in some other place or present simultaneously. Then yesterday when I was reading Quantum Mechanics, I got this thought. Of course it was mentioned there also.
There is a very wonderful principle in Physics called Uncertainity Principle : Whenever you measure your position with certainity then you cant measure the momentum ( mass multiplied by velocity ) with certainity. That is it is uncertain. In real life we don't find this phenomena because our instruments are not so sensitive enough to measure it. The mathematical equation goes like this : product of uncertainites of position and mmomentum is equal to or more than plancks contstant divided by 4*pi(=22/7). And the value of Plancks constant is 6.626068 × 10-34 m2 kg / s Its a very very very very very very small quantity. Means 0. (34zeros) 6 No eye or any instrument can measure it.
Then if we do a small thing or you are in World where this Planck's constant is laarge... Then you place two instruments at a distance 1 m a part and ur position is in between, then according to uncertainity you will have large momentum. So that means you will be able to play both the instrument simultaneously. Its very hard to digest. But the thing is your velocity will be planck's constant divided by ur mass and 4*pi. If this term is large enough then you will not be in the same position as before. Now you are behaving more like a wave. Which is spread over 1metre. Now you play the instruments. Because there is always a finite probability of finding yourself at both the instruments.
Ab bus...bahuth jyaada ho gaya....
Another situation
In that wonderland jails can't exist. beacuse a jail can be treated as a potential well. Then tunnelling is possible. That is just you can pass through jail just like electrons. So be careful while visiting a zoo in such a wonderland. Because the Lion can tunnel through and cann eat you. Then just you can ride cars through buildings.
Now why Im talking of Vitalacharya movies? Because at that small age ( 6-10 years old ) I used to fascinate my self " How nice it would be if I appear in some other place or present simultaneously. Then yesterday when I was reading Quantum Mechanics, I got this thought. Of course it was mentioned there also.
There is a very wonderful principle in Physics called Uncertainity Principle : Whenever you measure your position with certainity then you cant measure the momentum ( mass multiplied by velocity ) with certainity. That is it is uncertain. In real life we don't find this phenomena because our instruments are not so sensitive enough to measure it. The mathematical equation goes like this : product of uncertainites of position and mmomentum is equal to or more than plancks contstant divided by 4*pi(=22/7). And the value of Plancks constant is 6.626068 × 10-34 m2 kg / s Its a very very very very very very small quantity. Means 0. (34zeros) 6 No eye or any instrument can measure it.
Then if we do a small thing or you are in World where this Planck's constant is laarge... Then you place two instruments at a distance 1 m a part and ur position is in between, then according to uncertainity you will have large momentum. So that means you will be able to play both the instrument simultaneously. Its very hard to digest. But the thing is your velocity will be planck's constant divided by ur mass and 4*pi. If this term is large enough then you will not be in the same position as before. Now you are behaving more like a wave. Which is spread over 1metre. Now you play the instruments. Because there is always a finite probability of finding yourself at both the instruments.
Ab bus...bahuth jyaada ho gaya....
Another situation
In that wonderland jails can't exist. beacuse a jail can be treated as a potential well. Then tunnelling is possible. That is just you can pass through jail just like electrons. So be careful while visiting a zoo in such a wonderland. Because the Lion can tunnel through and cann eat you. Then just you can ride cars through buildings.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Feynman's idea of making nano robots!
Make a Robot. It has to do the following things.
1.) It should make a Robot which is exactly does the samthing.
2.) But the Robot it makes is 1/10 of the dimensions.
Now the newly made 1/10 size Robot will make another Robot of 1/10 of its size.
So, now if we consider 2 m * 0.4 m * 0.2 m dimension Robot then the 8 generation robot will have 2/100000000 m * 4/100000000 m * 2/1000000000 m dimensions. After this the parts are so small that normal classical mechanics starts failing.( I think Feynman din't mention this point. ) After this we have to solve the Schrodinger equation for the mechanics. they behave abnormally. We cannot pin point them. If we do so then they will be disturbed. So, the speaking in Worldly terms : It no longer obeys your orders. Better say like this. It will not be able to do its work. Ex : To make a hand of 1/10 of its size, it may cut it to 1/8 or may be...or simply its uncertain. ( This implied because of Principle of Uncertainity. )
1.) It should make a Robot which is exactly does the samthing.
2.) But the Robot it makes is 1/10 of the dimensions.
Now the newly made 1/10 size Robot will make another Robot of 1/10 of its size.
So, now if we consider 2 m * 0.4 m * 0.2 m dimension Robot then the 8 generation robot will have 2/100000000 m * 4/100000000 m * 2/1000000000 m dimensions. After this the parts are so small that normal classical mechanics starts failing.( I think Feynman din't mention this point. ) After this we have to solve the Schrodinger equation for the mechanics. they behave abnormally. We cannot pin point them. If we do so then they will be disturbed. So, the speaking in Worldly terms : It no longer obeys your orders. Better say like this. It will not be able to do its work. Ex : To make a hand of 1/10 of its size, it may cut it to 1/8 or may be...or simply its uncertain. ( This implied because of Principle of Uncertainity. )
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